Food safety: improve your management system with ISO 22000

Health crises, internationalization of trade, increased competition, tracability requirements, cost control, changing consumer demand… Food industry faces several challenges. Are your affected? Count on our solutions to increase confidence, first of all with our standards and food safety certifications.

Source : ISO Survey, Santé Publique France

• Breaking news •

Issued in June 2018, the ISO 22000 voluntary standard translates food safety management into a continuously improving process. It takes a precautionary approach to food safety by helping to identify, prevent and reduce foodborne hazards in the food and feed chains. Available in the AFNOR collection. Click here to find out more about the new ISO 22000 version in 12 questions and answers.

Get your organization certified

Get your food safety management system

AFAQ ISO 22000 Food Safety

Considering ISO 22000 or any agri-food certification? AFNOR Certification offers a complete expertise wherever your organization is operating on the food chain.

Information and intelligence

Build up your own database of standards and regulations

According to your needs you can choose from AFNOR, ISO, ASTM, French and European technical regulations (OJ, OJEU) and standards drafts of AFNOR and ISO collections. Available at any time, Saga Web guarantees access to updated documents and can be shared amoung colleagues within your company.

Food safety insight
Food Safety standards

Build food safety volontary standards

Occupational health & safety

Already involved in food safety matters to some extent in your everyday work? You can participate in developing the voluntary standards that will set your future goals! To do this, approach the standardization body in your country. As with AFNOR on behalf of France, one of this body’s prerogatives is to promote a national document outside its own borders, thereby helping to create an international benchmark. As an expert in the field, you can work together with the competent institutions and make your voice heard.

The extra mile


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Contact our AFNOR Group Food safety Development Manager

Olivier Boutou