AFNOR Editions publishes “Démarche QSE et motivation au travail”, a book by Christophe Gonzalez
What is motivation? How is the motivation process triggered? How can we identify it in each employee so that it can be taken into account in project management? How can we maintain the company’s strategic framework while integrating motivation into the workplace?
Christophe Gonzalez delivers the fruit of four years’ work. Pedagogically operational, this book aims to be innovative with the development of two concepts: “The humanly sustainable company” where the company is a group of men and women “resource(s)” to succeed together.
Three main sections will guide the reader.
The first, highly documented, explores in detail the mysteries of motivation in the workplace (French context, mapping of emotions, employees, motivation regulations, etc.).
The second is to compare motivation at work and the QSE approach, because the introduction of such an approach, by improving working conditions, increases staff involvement and develops performance towards the socially responsible company.
The third part is very useful and operational, offering toolboxes in three areas: management, human resources and QSE aspects. Each tool includes one or more diagrams, its context of use, and tips to take into account.