AFNOR energy performance Tour de France: coming soon to a stop near you

Expected rise in energy prices, new provisions under the Energy Transition Act, draft decree on energy renovation in the tertiary sector… In 2017, it’s still good to be energy-efficient! Join us on our energy performance tour of France.
The AFNOR group puts its expertise in voluntary standards at your disposal to help you optimize your energy performance. And since a good picture is worth a thousand words, the AFNOR Group is giving you the opportunity to build the course that’s right for your organization by meeting our experts on our 2017 Tour de France de la performance énergétique.
Have you carried out an energy audit or an ISO 50001 certification process, or simply taken stock of your energy situation? Do you want to guarantee that your actions will achieve your energy-saving objectives, and thus secure your investments? With AFNOR Energies, discover the new solutions for measuring and verifying energy performance to make your project sustainable and, above all, successful!
It’s worth the money
” Looking for ways to save energy means cutting costs, enhancing the value of your property and saving money in the long run! For an electro-intensive company, achieving an energy performance target within five years entitles it to a rebate on the tariff for use of public electricity networks. “explains Paule Nusa, coordinator of AFNOR’s regional energy performance tour de France.
Whether you are a manufacturer, a local authority, a player in the tertiary or residential sectors, there is bound to be a date for you:
- Lyon February 16
- Paris March 30
- Toulouse April 20
- Bordeaux May 16
- Strasbourg June1
- Rouen June 20
- Nantes October 3
- Lille on October 17
- Marseille on October 26
> Choose your date and register…
> Find out more about AFNOR’s energy expertise…
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