Local authorities: full steam ahead with the SDGs

The AFNOR 2022 barometer of territorial management revealed three exemplary public players in terms of steering sustainable development objectives: the La Rochelle agglomeration community, the Gravelines municipality and the Villepreux municipality.
La Rochelle, Gravelines, Villepreux… There are three to stand out in 2022. Presented in mid-October at the Territorialis trade show in Bordeaux, the AFNOR barometer of public performance assesses the concrete commitment of municipalities and inter-municipal public establishments to the 17 UN sustainable development goals, SDG by SDG, based on the voluntary ISO 26000 standard. Since its creation in 2018, it has tracked 250 communities, most of which are meeting the SDGs without knowing it.
This year, one trend stands out: MDG number 3 (“ensure the health and well-being of all”) is generating strong mobilization… even though this is not a direct responsibility of the local authorities concerned. In fact, they do so through other levers, such as education and sport. Conversely, the environmental SDGs are attracting less investment, particularly on issues of responsible consumption and production, territorial food strategy and sustainable tourism, and greenhouse gas reduction.

Laurence Morelle Losson, Villepreux (Yvelines): “Our societal commitments predate the SDGs and were made because we believe in our region, because we know its demography and geography. But it’s easy to lose sight of these commitments when you’re involved in day-to-day operations. The AFNOR barometer brings us back to reality. It makes us realize just how much cross-functional work has been done.

Jérôme le Govic, La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime): “We are convinced that partnerships are the key to creating new territories. Our La Rochelle Zero Carbon Territory project brings together 130 partners. We needed an external third party to check that we were on course, and that’s where the AFNOR barometer came in handy.

Grégoire Paccou, Gravelines (Nord): “The AFNOR Public Performance barometer enabled us to zoom out, take a step back and better gauge ourselves against other municipalities. Our social action is strong: it aims to involve all ages in civic life, especially those intermediate ages when you’re too young to vote, and then later, older citizens who still want to get involved.”
What SDGs are the 2022 winners of the AFNOR Territorial Management Trophies committed to?
Our award winners’ best practices to inspire you in urban ecology and the fight against food waste:
Find out the results of our HR survey in the public sector
At Territorialis, AFNOR took the opportunity to present its survey of HR decision-makers in the public sector. The latter points out that these decision-makers are still more involved in personnel administration, leaving little time to devote to building team loyalty, and even less to making the organization more attractive. Social responsibility comes into play to support the employer brand, since recruitment is not just an HR issue, but also one of organizational health. Download the summary of the AFNOR study “HR in the public sector” here! And keep the momentum going by discovering AFNOR Impulse, a listening tool to help you understand where your employees stand in their work and in their relations with you. An opportunity to identify the levers of engagement and loyalty.