Qualiopi: preparing for the renewal of the quality audit

Three syllables that have become a must for tens of thousands of companies and independent consultants… Since 2019, Qualiopi, the successor to the Datadock self-declaration system, has been setting the pace in the vocational training sector, a universe that is clearly distinct from initial training, and which includes continuing education organizations, apprentice training centers (CFAs), skills assessment and validation of prior learning (VAE) organizations and consultants.
A player holding this certification thus demonstrates the quality of the courses it offers, and shows that it complies with some thirty indicators engraved in the marble of the RNQ, the national quality reference framework designed by the public authorities.
However, the latest version of the reading guide deciphering this standard, the so-called V9 version published at the beginning of 2024, further strengthens the requirements.
Public funds finance a large part of vocational training,” points out Sandrine Carbonaro, an expert on the subject for the AFNOR group. To ensure that resources are properly earmarked, the legislator decided to introduce this sign of recognition certifying a commitment to progress. The new national quality reference guide aims to correct some of the blind spots in the first version, four years ago. ”
Qualiopi new version: the question of subcontracting
One of the main areas of focus is the use of subcontracting. Many training organizations use external companies to deliver their certification training programs within the framework of the CPF, the personalized training account, a “wallet” in euros (and no longer in hours) that working people fill up as they go about their business, and can spend on continuing training. Qualiopi is now targeting these CPF subcontractors: to continue offering their services, all those with annual sales in excess of 77,700 euros must comply with the reference system and hold the same certifications and authorizations as their sponsoring organization listed on the Mon Compte Formation portal. The aim is to weed out unscrupulous structures and show that these subcontractors are at least as reliable as their principals on the official platform. For their part, principals ensure that they use subcontractors in a controlled and responsible manner.
Purple Campus is already addressing these new requirements. This structure brings together the training offerings of the Occitanie region’s Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI), and trains over 11,000 alternating work-study students and 20,000 apprentices each year, in part using external contributors. Not everyone has the resources to implement Qualiopi,” explains Patrick Laborie, Quality Manager at Purple Campus. We help them to structure themselves and give them the tools they need to meet these requirements. ” To remain compliant, Purple Campus is also adapting the way it designs its training courses. Patrick Laborie continues: “Some customer requests for training require advanced pedagogical engineering. This is the case for those who want to obtain skills certificates in companies, an act which requires a follow-up of skills already acquired, in a spirit of providing proof, which almost takes us to individualized training. Qualiopi is pushing us to carry out in-depth work in response to this. The formalization of training records also contributes to this objective, and facilitates comparison between different organizations, for greater transparency.
Qualiopi new version: the essential formalization
This aspect is now well integrated by Asfosar, the training department for employees of the Mutuelles Sociales Agricoles (MSA). After an initial certification in mid-2022, the management team will begin preparations for the renewal audit in September 2023, scheduled to take place six months later. This was an opportunity to correct any non-conformities identified, such as missing information on presentation sheets: minimum and maximum number of participants, training certification number, mention of disability, etc.,” explains Corinne Prorobert, Director of Asfosar. All these elements help us to improve our skills and question our practices. We ‘think Qualiopi’ every step of the way, with weekly methodology meetings involving the whole team, to check our indicators and make sure we’re taking the right measures. And to stay alert, because everything changes so quickly!
“Staying alert”: for a training organization, it’s essential to keep an active watch. The renewal audit is based on V9 of the Qualiopi standards, published in January 2024, whereas V8 dates back to December 2023: two versions thirty days apart! But when you’re in continuous improvement mode, as is typical of the Qualiopi approach, it’s almost natural to keep an eye on things: you have to keep your standards alive. And don’t wait until the last minute to meet the requirements, if only because the renewal audit must be held no more than four months before the end of the certification period. A training course, as shown here at AFNOR Compétences , can also be considered.
Qualiopi new version: continuous quality thinking
As soon as the control audit takes place, in the middle of the cycle, the organization has to get into fighting order, adapting its practices, developing its processes, etc. This is a key factor for success. This long-term, continuous improvement approach is well understood by the KparK brand of made-to-measure joinery, which has its own training structure for its technical consultants. “The very first Qualiopi audit carried out in 2021 highlighted the need to take disabled people into consideration,” recalls Charlotte Jousse, HR Development Manager at KparK. Since then, we have made sure that our offer is clear and accessible, so that people can enter the learning process and benefit from special accommodations. We think about and organize the reception of people with disabilities even before we receive them.
But isn’t the complexity and sheer number of criteria involved in the Qualiopi certification process frightening and discouraging? Apparently not at KparK: ” We take a step back to thoroughly review our internal processes, administrative management and compliance. Pre-audit introspection to identify strengths and areas for improvement before the renewal audit. Ultimately, this will have a positive impact on our organization and practices, replies Charlotte Jousse. Qualiopi is also a social issue,” concludes Sandrine Carbonaro, for the AFNOR group. Indeed, it’s all about ensuring that students and professionals alike have the skills they need to pass their exams, improve the employment rate and contribute to the country’s competitiveness.”