With AFNOR Editions, “the world is in your hands”!

In 2012 and 2013, Marc Giraud, Sylvain Delavergne and Rémi Sierakowski, backpack and camera in hand, set off on a world tour of sustainable solutions. Now published by AFNOR Editions.
In 2012 and 2013, Marc Giraud, Sylvain Delavergne and Rémi Sierakowski, backpack and camera in hand, set off on a world tour of sustainable solutions. It’s the culmination of a crazy project started a few months earlier: WIFU (Worldw’Ideas for the FUture). Their aim: to meet the entrepreneurs who are shaping tomorrow’s world, and to spread the good ideas they have collected. Their credo: contagion by example.
They criss-cross the world by tuk-tuk, bus, elephant, train, plane, rickshaw or dugout canoe… Thousands of kilometers traveled to bring back the solutions developed today that will shape tomorrow’s society. They meet the Mexican chemist who claims to be revolutionizing world agriculture with his solid water, the director of an Indian university who is training grandmothers living on less than a dollar a day to become solar engineers, the Basque designer of ecological surfboards made from flax fibers, the manager of a diving club who is regenerating the Indonesian coral reef thanks to the sun….
47 reports from visionary and pragmatic entrepreneurs in 17 countries are chronicled in this exciting and hopeful book. The book is structured around 4 main chapters: natural resources and agriculture; urban planning, housing, energy, the circular economy and collaborative consumption; solidarity finance, micro-entrepreneurship and fair trade; civil society and citizen movements.
To tie in with this book, the adventurous authors have produced an interactive web documentary. The experiments presented in the book complement the filmed reports available to everyone on the web. Enjoy the world of tomorrow!
The world in our hands – A world tour of sustainable solutions
ISBN: 978-2-12-465517-5 – Reference 3465517 – 360 pages
> To order the book on the AFNOR store…
About the authors
Marc Giraud, “This round-the-world trip reformatted my internal hard drive. This human and entrepreneurial experience has profoundly changed my vision of the world, and I hope, at my own level, to take action by continuing the work of all the men and women I’ve met along the way. I’m currently in charge of developing the start-up La Conciergerie Solidaire within the Darwin ecosystem in Bordeaux, a solidarity and integration company…to make my contribution.”
Sylvain Delavergne, “After volunteering in Morocco on an economic intelligence mission for the French government, I decided to set off with my comrades to undo and remake the world with solutions that would bring hope, employment and ecology. Since then, I’ve continued my commitment on the other side of the Channel.
About AFNOR Editions
In 2015, AFNOR’s publishing, compendiums and professional solutions activities published 50 expert works, covering all the crucial themes of the economy and business life: energy performance, professional efficiency, intercultural, environment, human resources, construction, agrifood, risk management, project management, management, quality, sustainable development and CSR, business intelligence… For a more informed public, compendia of voluntary standards and regulatory texts (30 in 2015) are offered. Through its standardization, publishing, certification and training activities, the AFNOR group is positioned to serve the general interest and economic development. www.afnor.org