Hauts-de-France Delegation

Bandeau délégation Régionale des Hauts de France Afnor

Our events in the Hauts-de-France region

    La Délégation Régionale AFNOR Hauts de France est votre interlocuteur AFNOR privilégié dans la région.

    Entreprises, organisations professionnelles, collectivités…notre équipe régionale vous accompagne pour identifier et mettre en œuvre les solutions individuelles ou collectives les plus efficaces pour répondre à vos enjeux de développement : élaboration de normes volontaires, veille normative, formation, certification, évaluation et labels…
    Nous vous soutenons sur tous les fondamentaux de la performance : qualité, environnement, santé et sécurité au travail, responsabilité sociétale… et nous sommes à vos côtés pour relever les défis de transformation de vos organisations : transition écologique et énergétique, confiance numérique, entreprises du futur,…

    Nous agissons en coopération et prônons la synergie avec les acteurs du développement de notre territoire (Conseil Régional, Chambres de Commerce, Acteurs de l’Innovation, Filières professionnelles, …), via des partenariats et actions communes.

    Vous êtes intéressé par un sujet particulier ? Contactez-nous !

    We support you with group programs

    La Délégation Régionale AFNOR, en partenariat avec la CCI Hauts de France propose des dispositifs d’accompagnement collectifs en RSE aux entreprises du territoire.



    • Opération 1ers Pas RSE opco logo

    Objectif : s’acculturer aux thématiques de la RSE, capitaliser sur les bonnes pratiques et structurer une démarche RSE sur la base de la norme ISO 26000.


    • Opération 2e Pas RSE… pour aller plus loin

    Objectif : poursuivre la mise en place d’indicateurs et le déploiement de pratiques RSE, se préparer à la reconnaissance Label ENGAGE RSE délivré par Afnor Certification.


    • Communauté RSE

    Objectif : veiller, échanger et partager des pratiques RSE au regard d’enjeux communs partagés par le groupe d’entreprises participantes (implication des collaborateurs, achats responsables…).

    Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur ces différents programmes, contactez Valérie RAVEZ / 03 20 82 59 00

    Collectivités locales et territoires

    We support local authorities and intermunicipalities in the Hauts de France region in their ambition to adapt their organizations and services to economic, societal and environmental transitions. This translates into :

    • the deployment of quality initiatives, particularly in terms of user service quality,
    • improving the quality of working life for their employees, who are looking for meaning,
    • change management based on the compass of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals(Agenda 2030).

    Vous êtes une collectivité et souhaitez en savoir plus sur nos services ?  Contactez Pascal Gautier

    Contact us

    Château Rouge
    282, avenue de la Marne
    59708 Marcq-en-Baroeul Cedex
    Isabelle Craeye
    Tel. : 03 20 82 59 00
    Voir l'email

    Nos partenaires en région Hauts-de-France

    Logos partenaires Hauts-de-France

    Consult standards in Hauts-de-France

    Where and when can I consult the standards in Lille?

    Standards can be consulted on our premises in Marcq-en-Baroeul (north of Lille), Monday to Friday by appointment, from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5pm.

    We are at your disposal, by appointment, to facilitate your visit and ensure quality service.

    Who can consult standards in Lille and how?

    Professionals, individuals and students are welcome to consult all French national (NF), European (NF EN) and international (NF ISO, NF IEC, ISO and IEC) standards via our SAGAWEB/COBAZ solution. At a computer workstation on our premises, you can browse through the texts that interest you, moving from one document to another as you need to! You can also buy French standards directly from AFNOR Editions.

    It is also possible to obtain, on site, a printout of the information you are looking for in French standards of national origin only, subject to payment of a reproduction fee of 18 centimes per page. This amount must be paid in cash or by cheque. Please note that this printout is for your personal use only and may not be used for commercial purposes.

    In view of the copyright enjoyed by European (CEN and CENELEC) and international (ISO and IEC) bodies, French standards of European (NF EN) and international (NF ISO, NF IEC, ISO and IEC) origin cannot be printed on site and are only available for sale. on the AFNOR Editions website.

    Which standard to consult? How can I identify the most appropriate standard for my project?

    Not sure which voluntary standard is best suited to your activities or project in the Hauts-de-France region? Call our norminfo service on 01 41 62 76 44 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm) or fill in the contact form. This will give you the reference for the relevant standard, so you can come and consult it in Marcq-en-Baroeul.

    Have you considered taking part in writing the standards?

    Consulting and applying standards generates objective gains for an organization. Did you know that these documents are written and updated by the people who use them? Many organizations in the Hauts-de-France region have understood this and are taking part. AFNOR’s doors are open to anyone who wants to get involved. Talk to us about joining a standards committee .

    What books can you consult at our Marcq-en-Baroeul premises?

    AFNOR Editions is one of France’s leading publishers of professional and technical books. From our premises, you can consult the latest books available: some fifty are published each year on all the crucial themes of the economy and business life: energy performance, environment, human resources, construction, agri-food, risk management, project management, management, quality, sustainable development and CSR, business intelligence, intercultural, professional effectiveness…

    Find the team on LinkedIn

    Isabelle Craeye


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    Valérie Durteste
    Engineer in charge of coordinating the service sector
    View profile

    Valérie Ravez
    Regional Delegate



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    Need information or have a question? Contact us